Patriarchal Palestine by Archibald H. Sayce

Professor Archibald Sayce’s Patriarchal Palestine applies the (then) recent archaeological discoveries in Babylonia and Assyria to illustrate the biblical accounts of Genesis. The frontispiece map is particularly helpful, so I have extracted this and made is available as a separate download at various resolutions. This title, kindly provided by Book Aid, is in the public…

Robert H. Kennett on Ancient Hebrew Social Life and Custom

The following public domain Schweich lectures are now available on-line in PDF: Robert H. Kennett [1864-1932], Ancient Hebrew Social Life and Custom as Indicated in Law, Narrative and Metaphor. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1931. London: Oxford University Press, 1933. Hbk. pp.114. Click <<HERE>> for the download link. You can see the full…