Archibald Sayce on the Decipherment of the Hittite Hieroglyphic Texts

Archibald Sayce [1845-1933] was Professor of Assyriology at Oxford University for 28 years. I recently came across offprints of four of his articles from the Royal Asiatic Journal and am pleased to be able to make them available here. They are all in the public domain. Articles from the Royal Asiatic Journal Archibald Henry Sayce…

B.S.J. Isserlin on Epigraphically attested Judean Hebrew, and the question of “upper class” (Official) and popular speech variants in Judea

The following article is now on-line in PDF: B.S.J. Isserlin, “Epigraphically attested Judean Hebrew, and the question of “upper class” (Official) and popular speech variants in Judea,” Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology 1.5 (1972): 197-203. Click here to read.