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“Fresh Light” by A.H. Sayce on-line

A.H. Sayce, Fresh Light From the Ancient Monuments

The following public domain book is now available on-line for free download in PDF.

Archibald Henry Sayce [1846-1933], Fresh Light From the Ancient Monuments, 5th edn. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1890. Hbk. pp.160. Click to download.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Book of Genesis

Chapter 3: The Exodus Out of Egypt

Chapter 4: The Moabite Stone and the Incription at Siloam

Chapter 5: The Empire of the Hittites

Chapter VI: The Assyrian Invasions

Chapter VII: Nebuchadnezzar

Appendix I. The Text of the treaty between the Hittites and the Ramses II (Dr. Brugsch’s translation)

Appendix II. List of months of the Assyrian Year

Appendix III. Translation of a cylinder of Nabonidos, King of Babylonia, containing the name of Belshazzar.

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