Light from the East: An Introduction to Biblical Archaeology by C.J. Ball

Light from the East: An Introduction to Biblical Archaeology by C.J. Ball

Today’s free book is C.J. Ball‘s Light from the East, or the Witness of the Monuments. An Introduction to the Study of Biblical Archaeology. As you would expect, some of the author’s conclusions, such as his identification of Amraphel, King of Shinar of Genesis 14:1 with Hammurabi the sixth Amorite king of the Old Babylonian…

Bible and Archaeology by Frederic G. Kenyon

Bible and Archaeology by Frederic G. Kenyon

Today’s free book is The Bible and Archaeology by Frederic G. Kenyon, Director and Principal Librarian of the Librarian of the British Museum and President of the British Academy (1917-1921). This book entered the public domain on the 1st January 2023 and was scanned using the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library. Frederic George Kenyon…

Textual Criticism of the Greek Bible. Schweich Lecture for 1932 – Frederic G. Kenyon

Textual Criticism of the Greek Bible. Schweich Lecture for 1932 – Frederic G. Kenyon

Today’s free book is Frederic G. Kenyon’s 1932 Schweich Lectures on Developments in the Textual Criticism of the Greek Bible. This title entered the public domain on the 1st January 2023. Frederic George Kenyon [1863-1952], Recent Developments in the Textual Criticism of the Greek Bible. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1932. London: The…

Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt (1838)

Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt (1838)

Today’s free book is W.C. Taylor’s study of the monuments of Egypt, which he compares with the relevant biblical texts, complete with over 100 illustrations. This title is in the public domain. William Cooke Taylor [1800-1849], Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt. London: Charles Tilt, 1838. Hbk. pp.200. [Click here to visit…