Sayce’s Higher Criticism & the Monuments

Archibald Sayce [1845-1933] made significant contributions in the field of Biblical Archaeology, not least for his pioneering work on the Empire of the Hittites. Many of his books are still being reprinted today, which is probably as good an endorsement of their enduring value as you can get. Sayce also contributed a biblical archaeology column in the…

Assur and Nineveh (1910)

The following public domain article is now available on-line: Theophilus G. Pinches, “Assur and Nineveh,” Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 42 (1910): 154-176. Assur and Nineveh Assur Of all the little explanatory verses on the Old Testament there are probably but few which are of greater interest than that referring to the…

Discoveries in Babylonia (1909)

The following Public Domain article is now available on-line in PDF. Theophilus G. Pinches [1856-1934], “Discoveries in Babylonia and the Neighbouring Lands,” Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 41 (1909): 99-122. Discoveries in Babylonia and the Neighbouring Lands Gradually, but surely and ever more speedily, Assyriology is becoming the most important study in the domain…